Crocetti Family

Artist: Kathleen Crocetti
“Our cultural heritage is Irish and Italian. Sharon’s family immigrated from Ireland to America generations ago. I am Italian and fled with my parents and siblings from the Istrian Peninsula of Croatia during the Istrian-Dalmatian Exodus following World War II. Our families came to America with nothing – no family, friends, money, or English language skills – just a yearning for a better life, and a willingness to work hard to make that happen.
Ancestors on both sides of our family were deeply connected to their native land. They tilled the soil, fished the seas, and did not move or travel far from the place of their birth for many generations. Political upheaval, war, famine, and dire economic circumstances were the impetus for their immigration. In some cases they came to America looking for opportunity, in other cases, they had no choice and went where circumstances took them/us.
Our marriage was not greeted enthusiastically by either of our families. The Irish wave of immigrants preceded the Italian one in the 20th century. The Irish claimed all the jobs in local politics, the priesthood, and law enforcement – jobs that were as traditionally Irish as they were Italian – and barred the Italians from them. There was great animosity between the two cultures, an animosity that just one generation later was gone. America blends us together into a rich cultural mosaic.
America is the land of opportunity. Where parents can work hard and get ahead, and children can enroll in school and become anything they want. Privileges that do not exist in many places around the world such that people cannot even aspire to better lives as we can here.
We believe that the contributions immigrants make to our country are not only the backbone to our economy, but also add an immeasurable richness to our collective cultural identity. Becoming ‘Angel Donors’ to Watsonville Brillante was important to us not just because Kathleen Crocetti is our daughter, but because Watsonville Brillante illustrates who we are.” Ferruccio Crocetti
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Sponsored by Angel Donors: Sharon & Ferruccio Crocetti