
Artist: Quinn Baird
Artist Statement:
When I think of my cultural heritage I think of food. My Grandpa’s family cultural is big on food traditions. Partly because they are Italian and really love food. They lived in Pennsylvannia and in Pennslvannia Dutch tradition there are certain foods we eat every year on certain holiday’s. One example is Pork and Sauerkraut on New Years day. Another example is Swedish sausage called Korv that we eat on Christmas Eve every year. I live in Aptos and many of friends live in Watsonville. I am happy to see the arts community in Watsonville do some great stuff for the community. Two of my favorite places in Watsonville is Gizditch Ranch and Martinelli’s company store. I grew up going to Gizditch Ranch multiple times a year to pick berries & apples, get a pumpkin, and enjoy yummy pie. Martinelli’s company store is a favorite of my family. We have family that visit us from all over the country and one of the first places we take them to visit is Martinelli’s where both the kids and adults can try all the great flavors from the tasting room. It means a lot to me to be a public artist. I created the artwork on my mom’s computer software. She is a textile designer and she taught me how to repeat a pattern. I summitted it as a small rectangle to my junior high art teacher and to see it now on a large scale and on this building is astonishing. I hope people enjoy this public art that so many people have put work into to beautify the community.
Sponsorship available
Current and Former residents of Watsonville that share this cultural heritage:
- Novin
- Azimi